참가기간: 2023년 7월 3일 - 7월 28일 (4주)
지원사항: 장학금 1인당 40만원
참여 연구실: 김상효, 최계원, 이제민
모집대상: 3, 4학년 대학생 및 학부 졸업생
내용: 미래 통신 및 네트워크 기술에 관한 연구 기회 제공
제출 기한: 2023년 6월 19일
제출 서류: 지원서 1부, 자기소개서 1부
To download application form: Click here (.docx)
On May 16th, the same week as the occurence of the IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC) 2022, the SKKU Communications and Networks group ... was overwhelmed to welcome professors and researchers from Singapore, UK, Cyprus and Australia to visit and participate in the 2022 SKKU International Workshop on Future Communications - 6G Vision and Technologies.
On Friday, May 20th, the 2022 SKKU - Australian National University International Student Workshop was held at Sungkyunkwan University, ... Suwon, followed the successful 2022 SKKU International Workshop on Future Communication help on Monday, May 16th. This workshop was contributed by student researchers from Sungkyunkwan University (SKKU) and Australian National University (ANU).
Lab: wireless.skku.edu/english/portal.php
Lab: sites.google.com/site/skkucclhome
Lab: msl.skku.edu
Lab: nesl.skku.ac.kr
Lab: ntl.skku.edu/ntl/index.do
Lab: ciot.skku.edu